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Spotswood Multiple Abilities Class at Rockingham Park at the Crossroads

Inclusive Play 

All Recreation, in partnership with playground equipment manufacturer BCI Burke, believes that ALL children should have equal access to participate in play. Our goal is simple: offer play experiences that appeal to all levels of ability within the same play environment. We are passionate about this cause, and we know how to help guide our customers to create inclusive play experiences. Whether it is at the beginning of a new playground project, or adding on to an existing playground, there are many options.

We are proud to feature this video, created by Abby Richardson and Caressa Gibson. Abby Richardson also wrote and recorded the accompanying song entitled, "As You Are". This video follows students from Spotswood High School Multiple Abilities Class in Virginia as they spend the day at one of the local playgrounds that we had the opportunity to design and install. Seeing these students play at Rockingham Park at the Crossroads underscores the importance, and the joy, in developing play for ALL.